Thursday, April 4, 2013

Curio Bay

Shorter blogs again! Sorry, but Doubtful Sound was awsome! I had to babble a bit!

We spent a night freedom camping on Nigel's birthday, on a beach, on a bay, in the middle of nowhere. I baked him a cake, we enjoyed our glass of wine or two, watched the sunset, it was beautiful.
Then we arrived in Curio Bay. We stayed for two nights, there was so much to see and do and it was absolutely gorgeous! (And, that's where the Easter Bunny found us!)
To the east was a coastal shelf with a petrified forest from the Jurassic period, that you could explore during low tide. Then, in the evening, yellow eyed penguins would swim onto this shelf, from their day at sea, to return to their burrows and we could watch them come home from the bluff above! (We saw 7 or 8!)
Then on the west side of the point, there was Porpoise bay, home to Hector's Dolphins! About 20 pairs (and their young) of the rarest little dolphins, endemic only to New Zealand, live in this bay, surf in the waves and let people swim with them! Liam says swimming with dolphins all around him was the most exciting part of the trip for him so far - right up there with bungy jumping!

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